Words and puzzles come together in Outspell, a fun and challenging word game. Having a good time with your pals is a lot of fun. Anyone familiar with the word puzzle game Scrabble will feel right at home with Outspell. Even if you've never played Words With Friends or Scrabble, you'll pick up the rules of Outspell in no time.
If you get stuck or can't think of a good word, just hit the "mix" button as many times as you like. You may be able to find a word by combining your tiles in this way.
The bonus tiles, both red and blue, can be stacked. The blue cells increase the value of a letter by a factor of that letter's value, while the red cells do the same for the value of a word. The multiplier values of the letters will remain after tiles are placed on these empty spaces.
If you need assistance choosing the correct box to use to spell a word, click the dictionary button. Selecting this option will prompt you to type your letters, after which a list of all the valid words beginning with those letters will be displayed.
To navigate, click the mouse.