In Home Rush: Draw to Home, you must deliver a newborn to his correct residence as quickly as possible. You'll have fun playing through the several stages, each of which will test your ability to figure out how to get back to the starting point safely. There are stray kids who eventually locate their families. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to reunite the infants with their correct parents. But there will be a lot of dangers on the route, and you'll have to find a method to get the kids home safely. Back holes, vicious dogs, monsters, and so forth are just a few examples of the potential threats you confront. They're all obstacles that make it harder to accomplish your goal.
Using the children's free will to pursue their own interests is the most effective way to achieve your goals. If you run into any problems, the game will be over. Remember to pick up the coins, as they will come in handy later on. Make short work of any difficulties you encounter. Furthermore, Save the Baby: Home Rush is also a viable option.
Draw a path for the babies to return to their parents and avoid letting them collide with each other.